Not So Usual Celebration

August 6th is Wiggle Your Toes Day.  Although tracking down the creator of this special celebration has been futile, the thought of wiggling your toes, outside of shoes, is pretty terrific.  If you remember when you were a child, you can probably remember the game with your toes that begins—“This little piggy…”  Now that you’re…

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Not So Usual Celebration

August 5th is Work Like a Dog Day.  This day is set aside to recognize those among us who work the hardest.  Unlike the Work-aholic who works all of the time, the person who works like a dog works really hard to accomplish a task, but will then take time off to rest and relax. …

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Messy Art Projects

As school has become more focused on academic achievement and test scores, the opportunity for kids to experience art has decreased in many of our schools.  After-school is the perfect place for kids to experience art.  Now, you can certainly do this in a cerebral, art appreciation way, reviewing the works of great and not-so-great…

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US Coastguard Day

August 4th is U.S. Coastguard Day.  The Coastguard of the United States was organized in 1790 and is the longest, continuously serving seagoing agency.  There are just over 34,000 Coastguards to accomplish the Coastguard Mission which includes ensuring the safety of ports, waterways, and coastal areas, aiding other seagoing vessels with navigation, marine safety, search…

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National Watermelon Day

August 3rd is National Watermelon Day.  Perfect timing as the harvest of watermelons is certainly in full swing in early August.  Here are some Fun Facts about watermelon. It is believed that watermelon originated in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. The first known harvest of watermelon was in Egypt around 5,000 years ago. Watermelons were…

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National Cheesecake Day

July 30th is National Cheesecake Day.  Twenty years ago, cheesecake was not the most popular of desserts, but now, a week without cheesecake is like a week without sunshine.  One restaurant, The Cheesecake Factory, takes pride in offering over 30 different types of cheesecake.  These ultimate desserts include fresh strawberry, ultimate red velvet, chocolate, white…

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Not So Usual Celebration

July 29th is National Lasagna Day.  Lasagna is a wonderful layered Italian dish—loaded with pasta, cheese, marinara sauce, and sometimes meat in the sauce.  Any way you slice it, lasagna is an amazing dish—unfortunately there are a lot of steps to making it.  A month or so ago I was having dinner in my son’s…

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The Four Fold Way-Arriens

Angeles Arriens, author and anthropologist, shared her insight into earth-bound cultures and key principles that are at the center of how they live and interact with one another.  The four principles are: Show up and choose to be present Speak to what has heart and meaning Tell the truth without blame or judgment Be open…

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Become an Essential Service

When you think about the term, “an essential service”, what comes to your mind?  Certainly for me it would be all the things that I use every day without so much as a thought, but would miss like crazy if it was unavailable.  Running water (in both hot and cold forms), adequate roads for me…

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Recipe for Building Relationships

Building relationships is one of the most important roles of after-school.  As youth get older, especially noticeable beginning in 4th grade, youth become more focused on the world outside of family, and it is important that they understand how to build strong relationships with others, both peer and adult.  The recipe for relationships is simple…

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