Fabulous Freelancers

Consult 4 Kids, better known as C4K, always is looking for Self-Employed Independent Contractors (SEIC's).

We have multiple possibilities to choose from. We contract with fabulous freelancers who want to work on singular projects.  We contract with outsourced workers who have specific sills but want autonomy over work schedule and location.  We also have places for commissioned earners.  Our contracts are generous, and so are our commissions.  We believe in win-win.


Decision Time

It is time to Move Forward OR you may need More Information. Either way we want to talk with you.

If you're ready to Move Forward, please click on the "Freelancer Proposal" button below and submit your thoughts on how to work with C4K.

If you want More Information, please complete the box below.


Independent Contractor Possibilities

Fabulous Freelancers

C4K is looking for Freelancers who have specific skills to come on board to complete identified projects such as video editing, graphic design, and other one times and projects.

Outsourced Workers

Are you a person with skills to share but also have the desire to have flexibility in your schedule and autonomy over how you work?  C4K is interested in you.  Follow the link and complete your proposal.

Commissioned Earners

C4K is looking for dynamic members of our commission-based Sales Force and Marketing Teams.  Our commissions are high, we pay residuals and bonuses.  Please follow the link.

"I've attended Nifty 9, Leadership, and Customized Trainings led by C4K.  The trainings are engaging and really require you to participate through peer interactions and a number of activities and conversations.  I found the trainings stimulating, informative, and most of all, an answer to many of my questions."

Training Participant

Consult 4 Kids Is Here to Support You

We have a large number of trainings we can provide for frontline staff, educators and site leaders.