Not So Usual Celebrations

August 31st is National Trail Mix Day.  Trail Mix is a snack that you can carry with you easily—whether exploring the world on foot or in the car.  Trail Mix is a combination of sweet and salty that is delicious.  If you are making your own trail mix, try to avoid things that are sticky—yuck,…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 27th is Just Because Day.  Why in the world would be celebrate a Just Because Day?  The answer is simple, “Because.”  This is the day to do things for no apparent rhyme or reason, but simply just because you would like to.  This means that you can act on a whim, take a chance…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 26th is Women’s Equality Day.  August 26th, 1971, by an Act of Congress, was established to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote—to have full access and equity to vote on national and state policies and procedures.  Women’s Equality Day continues to highlight inequities of…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 25th is Kiss and Make Up Day.  To be sure, we do not literally promote “Kiss and Make Up Day”, because kissing is the last thing we want to have happen during this time of COVID 19.  So, when looking at this day, let’s look at the intent of the day, the truth behind…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 24th is Vesuvius Day.  Mt. Vesuvius is a now dormant volcano.  It’s last eruption was in 79 A.D. on this day.  The eruption killed 3,360 people in the Roman city of Pompeii.  It is in the ruins of Pompeii that we have found out many things about the daily life of early Romans.  Vesuvius,…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 23rd is Ride the Wind Day.  Although this is not a sanctioned holiday, perhaps it should be.  This is the day to be carefree, to hang-out, to take advantage of a dwindling summer.  Catch a breeze and soar high above.  Spend the day relaxing and leave your worries behind you, if just for a…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 20th is National Radio Day.  In this day of IPods and CD changers, it may be challenging for you to understand how the radio could be so important, but for those who precede these inventions, the radio was as important as soda.  Listening to the radio is what we did.  Today, on occasion, I…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 19th is Aviation Day.  Up, Up, and Away!  If you’ve been following the “Not So Usual Celebrations”, you may have discovered that it is difficult to tell a “sanctioned” holiday from an “unsanctioned” holiday.  Official holiday must been created by an Act of Congress, so you may wonder—which are real and which are not. …

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Not So Usual Celebrations…

August 18th is Bad Poetry Day.  The thing of it is, what some people consider bad poetry, others may think is meaningful and to the point.  That is why poetry can touch your soul, or turn you off.  It tries to capture the essence of what the author is experiencing into words which seldom capture…

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