Advocating For Expanded Learning

I think people get advocacy confused with lobbying.  To my mind, there is a huge difference.  Advocacy is about educating people so they can make an informed choice between options.  Certainly you are passionate about what you are advocating for, certainly you will share the information in the best possible light, surely your will encourage…

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Advocating For Extended Learning Time

Jeff Cobb from Mission to Learn, defines learning in this way:  “Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes.”[1]  He goes on to say that learning does not require a degree or certificate to prove that it is valuable and it doesn’t always need to occur in…

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Before you know it, the 2020 elections will be here.  The right to vote and to let your voice be heard, is a right that many people take for granted.  That is unfortunate, because if we do not exercise this right, it will someday atrophy and no longer be available to us.  This year’s election…

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