21st Century Workplace Skills

Today’s workplace is not the same place that young people entered even 20 years ago.  Currently, knowledge worker jobs are on the rise, and America is competing in a global work environment.  A generation ago, many in the world believed that to get a strong education you needed to attend a university in the United…

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Globalization of the World

In his book, The World Is Flat A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Friedman discusses the notion that we are living in one world that is interdependent. He discusses globalization and how this is changing how business is conducted.  He identifies world flatteners including work flow software, supply chaining, open-out- and in-sourcing, and…

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Think Flexibly-Habit of Mind

What do you think of when you hear the word “flexibly”?  I don’t know about you but I think of gymnasts and dancers who seem to be relaxed and able to move into any number of graceful positions.  I also think about contortionists who can bend, twist, and wiggle into the smallest of places.  I…

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