Seeing Youth As Assets

A youth development approach to working with young people is focused on the notion “youth are an asset to be developed” rather than a problem to be fixed.  If you look at more traditional approaches to working with youth the pattern has been to identify a problem—for example using drugs and alcohol—and then developing a…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 31st is National Trail Mix Day.  Trail Mix is a snack that you can carry with you easily—whether exploring the world on foot or in the car.  Trail Mix is a combination of sweet and salty that is delicious.  If you are making your own trail mix, try to avoid things that are sticky—yuck,…

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Not So Usual Celebrations…

August 18th is Bad Poetry Day.  The thing of it is, what some people consider bad poetry, others may think is meaningful and to the point.  That is why poetry can touch your soul, or turn you off.  It tries to capture the essence of what the author is experiencing into words which seldom capture…

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