Not So Usual Celebrations

July 9th is National Sugar Cookie Day.  It is not known why July 9th has been designated as National Sugar Cookie Day, but what a sweet way to look at this day.  Sugar cookies can be found most everywhere, and whether they are soft (seems like grocery store bakery versions of the sugar cookies usually…

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Clubs and Afterschool

Clubs and After-school In the world of after-school there are 3 Rs—relationships, relevance, and rigor, which stand as a litmus test in selecting the activities that we do with youth.  If the activity can meet the test posed in these three words, then chances are, it will be a winner with young people.  Clubs are…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 27th is Just Because Day.  Why in the world would be celebrate a Just Because Day?  The answer is simple, “Because.”  This is the day to do things for no apparent rhyme or reason, but simply just because you would like to.  This means that you can act on a whim, take a chance…

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