‘Tis The Season

December is the time of year that prompts many of us think more seriously about how we can give back—to our community, to family, to neighbors, to groups we belong to, to our friends and colleagues.  That makes it the perfect time to engage our youth in Service Learning or Community Service.  Service Learning is…

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Gratitude is being thankful and grateful for what we have.  November is a perfect month for considering how much we have to be thankful for since Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday.  The first Thanksgiving was in 1621 and was held to celebrate the harvest that had just been gathered after the first colonists had…

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The Attitude Behind “Thanks”

As parents we teach our young children to say “Thank you” when someone gives them something.  We call “Thank You” and “Please” magic words.  Children learn to use these words more and more naturally, and parents discover they don’t need to remind them any more with the question, “What do you say?” I am wondering…

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