Engage in STEM Learning

STEM activities in your afterschool program make total sense.  Studies have found a clear consensus that afterschool programs can help youth: “Develop an interest in STEM and STEM learning activities Develop capacities to productively engage in STEM learning activities Come to value the goals of STEM and STEM learning activities” STEM activities are incredibly engaging…

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More About Habits of Mind

Habits of the Mind can be non-cognitive skills that young people need to develop if they are to grow up to be effective and successful as adults.  Habits of the Mind provide a foundation for the Common Core and can be developed by all youth.  Just like you need to exercise to strengthen your physical…

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Thinking Interdependently

Thinking interdependently is another way of speaking of team work and collaboration.  If you’re familiar with Stephen Covey and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, you know that the entire program is built on the transition of people from dependent to independent to interdependent.  Covey, like most of us, knew that there is a…

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Remain Open to Continuous Learning

If you were to read Angeles Arrien’s book, The Four Fold Way, she references remaining open to continuous learning by saying, “be open to outcome not attached to it.”  You can learn more about this notion by checking out this Ted Talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kDRRBK95no or reading the book.  We believe that be open to continuous…

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What’s Important About Habits of Mind?

You may be asking yourself what’s all this hubbub about Habits of the Mind?  Why are they important?  When you look at the information about jobs, 5-10-15 years from now, you’ve heard that many of the jobs haven’t even been invented yet.  There is also information which states by the time a college student finishes…

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Advocating For Extended Learning Time

Jeff Cobb from Mission to Learn, defines learning in this way:  “Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes.”[1]  He goes on to say that learning does not require a degree or certificate to prove that it is valuable and it doesn’t always need to occur in…

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C4K’s Online Instruction

In 2002, a Delphi study on the future of after-school identified the staff training and development would be one of the most significant challenges facing after-school.   The words of the consulted experts echo in the ears of program managers and directors everywhere.  Like the experts of the Delphi study, Consult 4 Kids (C4K) is very…

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Scope and Sequence Alignment

School day teachers are doing good work with students.  After-school has an opportunity to support that good work by understanding how to align with the “scope and sequence” of both the English/Language Arts and Math curriculums.  The scope and sequence refers to the material to be covered (scope) and the order it will be covered…

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Equity and Access

Equity and access—two words that are often seen together in reading about diversity, but what do these words really mean.  Do they mean that everybody has to be treated exactly the same and that square pegs must be driven into round holes?  Does it mean that everybody has to do everything, even if they would…

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Setting Goals

There is a part in the story of Alice In Wonderland at which Alice has come to a fork in the road.  The Cheshire cat appears and Alice asks, “Which way should I go?”  The cat asks, “Where do you want to end up?” and Alice responds that she doesn’t know.  The cat then remarks,…

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