Make Your Vote Count

The elections are only a few days away.  Make your voice heard!  Cast your vote in a thoughtful way and lend the candidates with whom you are most aligned your support.  Although this is not a Presidential Election year, your vote matters.  What would this country be like if everyone believed that voting didn’t matter? …

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Not So Usual Celebration

August 16th is Elvis Presley Remembrance Day.  Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977.  Headlines the following day read, “The King Is Dead”, and few in America were confused by what this headline meant.  Although he had not been ill, the reference to “The King” could only mean one person—Elvis.  He was an icon.  Much…

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Developing Self Worth and Acceptance

The Search Institute has identified 40 Developmental Assets which are building blocks of healthy development.  These assets are divided into two categories:  external and internal assets.  In the process of identifying these assets, the Institute discovered that when these assets are in place young people develop resiliency, and when resiliency is developed the young person…

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Mean, Lean or Teen Cuisine

We have all heard and read about the challenge of childhood obesity that this country is facing.  It appears that afterschool might be a good place to address two of the underlying causes of this “epidemic”.  According to the Mayo Clinic, “Although there are some genetic and hormonal causes of childhood obesity, most of the…

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