Equity and Access

Equity and access—two words that are often seen together in reading about diversity, but what do these words really mean.  Do they mean that everybody has to be treated exactly the same and that square pegs must be driven into round holes?  Does it mean that everybody has to do everything, even if they would…

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Worksheets to Games

In after-school, we are always looking for ways to make learning more fun and engaging for youth.  We look for the latest games and innovations to bring to the program with the hope each will “catch fire” with the students.  We are committed to programs that are both relevant and rigorous, and encourage the development…

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Professional Development

While professional development is more than simple training, training is an integral part of developing staff.  Professionalism development refers to the steps taken by an employer to support the personal and professional development of staff, including but not limited to the skills and knowledge needed to provide exemplary performance.  The training and educational opportunities of…

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Developmental Assets–Commitment to Learning

One of the most important things that young people can do is make a commitment to learning and developing the knowledge and skills they need to be successful as an adult.  Commitment to learning is foundational in the 40 Developmental Assets and is the category of the first Internal Asset cluster.  Many times, when young…

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Work Plans

Once you have set your goals it is important that you organize yourself and your team to accomplish those goals.  So the questions are:  How do you organize your work?  Do you have a Task List or do you utilize a To Do List or both?  Do you use a calendar to plan forward?  Do…

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Setting Goals

There is a part in the story of Alice In Wonderland at which Alice has come to a fork in the road.  The Cheshire cat appears and Alice asks, “Which way should I go?”  The cat asks, “Where do you want to end up?” and Alice responds that she doesn’t know.  The cat then remarks,…

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Sharing Space With Teachers

If you grew up with a sibling and had to share a bedroom with them, you know how challenging it can be to share space.  There is something about having your “own” space—where you are 100% in charge and the decisions about what goes where are yours, and yours alone.  For years, classroom teachers have…

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Building Relationships At the Beginning of the Year

So much is going on at the beginning of the school year, it is easy to put building relationships on the back burner.  It is easy to think that you will take the time once things have settled down and a routine has been established.  Sound familiar? It is important that you recognize your key…

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Not So Usual Celebration

August 16th is Elvis Presley Remembrance Day.  Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977.  Headlines the following day read, “The King Is Dead”, and few in America were confused by what this headline meant.  Although he had not been ill, the reference to “The King” could only mean one person—Elvis.  He was an icon.  Much…

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You may be wondering how calendaring is different that scheduling.  C4K would suggest that a schedule identifies time slots during the program day over a period of 1-3 weeks that gives staff a road map for planning specific activities and learning opportunities for youth.  A calendar, on the other hand, is an overall look at…

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