Make Your Vote Count

Make Your Voice Heard–Vote!

The elections are only a few days away.  Make your voice heard!  Cast your vote in a thoughtful way and lend the candidates with whom you are most aligned your support.  Although this is not a Presidential Election year, your vote matters.  What would this country be like if everyone believed that voting didn’t matter?  Just like the recent Kevin Costner movie, Swing Vote, many elections are decided by less than 100 votes, so your vote does make a difference. 

Candidates will impact your life for the next 2 to six years.  They will have an enormous effect on your family and the future of your children or the children that you will have some day.  On a national level they will be part of the group who will make decisions about legislation that will affect immigration, taxes, as well as decisions about bailouts and health care. 

Remember that if you are unhappy with something locally (roads, parks, billboards), or something in your state (tax rates, budget decisions) or nationally (health care and bailouts), then voting is what you need to do, otherwise you have no chance of your complaints being heard. 

There are lots of excuses to use for not voting.  The polls are too crowded or too far away.  I have to work and the hours just aren’t conducive.  Tuesday is my regular day that I go to the grocery store and if I vote I’ll be off track.  Remind yourself that voting is a privilege that far too many Americans take for granted.  Your vote defends your right to make a choice—a choice not only for the person who will represent you in government, but also choices that other countries do not afford citizens—like the number of children you have or the job you work at. 

In the movie, The American President, Michael Douglas’ character comments on the fact that being an American is an exercise of “advanced citizenship”.  The character was absolutely correct.  So on election day practice advanced citizenship and let your voice be heard. 

Consult 4 Kids has a long history of advocating for youth and the adults who are their positive role models and mentors.  To learn more about our work, please visit our website at, email us at or call us at (661) 617-7055.

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