Posts Tagged ‘youth-serving’
Is Your Program Learner Centered?
Do you focus on what the youth in your program experience or what your program offers? If you focus on what youth experience, then you are learner-centered. In learner-centered programs, the learning opportunities youth have are active, collaborative, and meaningful. They also support mastery and expand the horizons of the participant (LIAS Principles). The activities…
Read MoreSpring Celebrations
There are two equinoxes every year—September and March. On the equinox, the sun shines directly on the equator and results in the 24 hours of the day being split evenly between day and night. When you look at the three words, “equinox,” “equator,” and “equal,” the prefix “equi” (which means even), makes total sense. The…
Read MoreConsulting-Training
Consult 4 Kids (C4K) offers both training and consulting services. You may be asking yourself, “What’s the difference? Aren’t these two things the same?” Actually, the answer is both “yes” and “no.” Here’s the deal, training is part of consulting for sure, but consulting is more than just training. So let’s take a look at…
Read MoreCollege and Career Readiness
Have you heard about the great work Dr. Julie Mendoza and her team are doing in El Monte, California to link parents and youth to information about preparing for getting into college and being career ready? It is truly amazing! She and her team have created resources that you can use in your program for…
Read MoreCheck Out Summer Learning
Do you know the facts about Summer Learning loss? The National Center for Summer Learning has gathered some very interesting facts which are posted on the Children’s Aid Society website. Here’s what they found out: Two-thirds of the achievement gap between lower-and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities. As…
Read MoreTips for the End of the Year
It’s hard to believe that you are nearing the end of the school year. It seems like we just began, and yet, it is April. Here are eleven things you might want to consider to make the End of Year (EOY) run more smoothly. Plan any end-of-year student activities and begin communicating about them to…
Read MoreEngage in STEM Learning
STEM activities in your afterschool program make total sense. Studies have found a clear consensus that afterschool programs can help youth: “Develop an interest in STEM and STEM learning activities Develop capacities to productively engage in STEM learning activities Come to value the goals of STEM and STEM learning activities” STEM activities are incredibly engaging…
Read MoreMore About Habits of Mind
Habits of the Mind can be non-cognitive skills that young people need to develop if they are to grow up to be effective and successful as adults. Habits of the Mind provide a foundation for the Common Core and can be developed by all youth. Just like you need to exercise to strengthen your physical…
Read MoreSpring Forward
Each spring we adjust out clocks into Daylight Savings Time. In this practice, clocks are adjusted forward one hour (of course they are adjusted backward in the autumn), so that in the evening we have more daylight and in the mornings we have less. This notion was first proposed in 1895 by George Hudson and…
Read MoreInquiry-The Cornerstone fo Homework Support
Have you ever heard someone say, “Curiosity killed the cat.” While this may be true for cats, it is absolutely not the case for our students. Curious students are learners, young people who are interested in finding out how things work. The opposite of these curious students are passive and show little initiative—actually they usually…
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