Foundation for High-Quality Expanded Learning Programs

The Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs were published recently.  You can find the full document on the California Afterschool Network website.   The standards identified are:

  • Safe and supportive environment
  • Active and engaged learning
  • Skill building
  • Youth voice and leadership
  • Healthy choices and behaviors
  • Quality staff
  • Diversity, Access and Equity
  • Clear vision, mission and purpose
  • Collaborative partnerships
  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Program management
  • Sustainability

In the publication there are also descriptors of each of the standards and a group of afterschool professionals are working on indicators. 

Consult 4 Kids has aligned its written and video training to these standards of excellence.  Whether your staff is Rookie, Seasoned, or Veteran, we have something for them that can be accessed 24/7/365.  These informational training sessions are complete with quizzes to check progress (which is tracked on a Learning Management System), discussion questions, and promising practices that have been tried and verified.  For more information on how to make this training available to your staff for pennies a day, please contact us at or by calling (661) 665-8270.

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