Not So Usual Celebrations

Aviation Day

August 19th is Aviation Day.  Up, Up, and Away!  If you’ve been following the “Not So Usual Celebrations”, you may have discovered that it is difficult to tell a “sanctioned” holiday from an “unsanctioned” holiday.  Official holiday must been created by an Act of Congress, so you may wonder—which are real and which are not.  Well, Aviation Day is for real.  President Franklin Roosevelt declared August 19th as Aviation Day through a Presidential Proclamation issued in 1939 to honor the birthday of Orville Wright, who was born in 1871, along with his brother Frank, is considered the father of aviation in this country.  Whether you fly often or not, the world certainly appears to be a smaller place as the access to other places becomes easier with flight.

Activities for Youth

Have kids create paper air planes and participate in a “Fly Off”.  Have students fly a plane, measure the number of feet the plane flew, record it and then proclaim a winner.  You can find directions for making paper airplanes on the web at  Simple, illustrated directions to make the project easy.

Learn more about Consult 4 Kids by visiting our website at or calling us at (661) 665-8270. 

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