Not So Usual Celebrations

Ride the Wind Day

August 23rd is Ride the Wind Day.  Although this is not a sanctioned holiday, perhaps it should be.  This is the day to be carefree, to hang-out, to take advantage of a dwindling summer.  Catch a breeze and soar high above.  Spend the day relaxing and leave your worries behind you, if just for a small amount of time.  Experts recommend that you spend this Ride the Wind Day:

  • Trying out parachuting
  • Flying in a plane
  • Soaring on a hang glider
  • Going for a ride on a sailboat or motorcycle and if all else fails
  • Kick back and enjoy yourself.

Activity for Kids

Have youth create a collage in the colors of summer—red, yellow, orange, green.  They can do this with chalk, picture from the magazine, or colored pencils.  The collage can be impressionistic—focusing on color and light, or a snap shot of summer life, or simply an action packed picture of a favorite summer activity. 

Learn more about Consult 4 Kids by visiting our website at or calling us at (661) 665-8270. 

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