Take Time To Celebrate


Do you have a lot that you are trying to accomplish?  Are there many steps to each of the projects that you are working on?  Does it seem like you will never get to the end of the road?  When you feel this way it is time for you to stop, turn around, and see how far you’ve come.  When you look back you will identify milestones, small victories that have gotten you as far as you are.  The question is this:  Did you celebrate these successes, these small triumphs?  Chances are the answer is, “No”. 

So take time out now to celebrate the benchmarks.  Celebration doesn’t need to be fireworks.  It could be something as simple as an extra 20 minutes on the treadmill, watching a favorite program rerun, listening to your favorite song, or spending 30 minutes doing something that helps you to relax.  Share your celebration with others.  Let them know you have made progress and you have accomplished some critically important steps along the way to project completion.

In the future, take the time to celebrate along the way.  It will be helpful to you and keep your spirits high.  If you are working with a team, celebrate with the team as well—even if it is to simply sit around a “tell war stories”.  Make a plan to celebrate in advance.  Then, stick to it!

Learn more about Consult 4 Kids by checking us out on our website at www.consultforkids.com or by calling us at (661) 665-8270. 

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