Be Open to Outcome

Have you ever noticed how things don’t work out exactly as we’ve planned?  Have you ever gone to the store, knowing exactly what you want, and come home frustrated because you just couldn’t find the perfect thing?  And then you go another time with no real specifics in mind, and find many things that seem just perfect.  Sometimes, part of putting your best foot forward is being flexible and being open to the outcome or the possibilities, instead of attached to one particular end. 

For me, I lived being attached to an outcome when in the 1980s, my parents decided to build a shopping center.  Looking back, the project was doomed from the beginning, but of course, no one had the foresight to see that.  After two years of my father wrestling and struggling with this center, and one set back after another, I was asked to shoulder the move forward.  I did everything I knew how to do and many things I didn’t know how to do, just to make it work.  I reviewed plans, worked with contractors, opened businesses, disputed leases which were ill formed and ill advised, and still nothing evened out.

It wasn’t until I took a step back and really examined the situation that I realized the “best foot forward” was to change courses and work to sell the property, which we finally did.  Sometimes putting your “best foot forward” means rethinking where you are and stepping onto a new path.  When we are open to outcome, not attached to it (Angeles Arrien’s Fourfold Way) we are more likely to make the moves we really need to make to put our “best foot forward”. 

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