Manage Impulsivity-Habit of Mind

There is a big difference to my way of thinking between impulsivity and the phrase “carpe diem” credited to Horace in 23 BC.  This phrase, “carpe diem”, translates into “seize the day”.  In the film, Dead Poet’s Society, the professor John Keating encourages, “Seize the day, boys.  Make your life extraordinary.”  The notion of impulsivity…

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Persistence, A Habit of Mind

Persistence is one of those habits that we need to help young people develop.  Persistence is labeled as resiliency in Youth Development circles.  Persistence is the ability to keep on, keeping on.  It is important that this persistence is proactive and that the situations youth find themselves in are analyzed to determine which “next steps”…

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Tell the Truth Without Blame or Judgment

If you haven’t had a chance to read Angeles Arrien’s book, The Four-fold Way, I would encourage you to do so.  There is a great deal of wisdom in her four straightforward principles: Show up and choose to be present. Speak to what has heart and meaning. Tell the truth without blame or judgment. Be…

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Take A Step on the Moon

When I was entering high school the Soviet Union had just put Yuri Gargain into space on April 12, 1961.  Americans were stunned that the Russians were capable of this and a young President, John F. Kennedy, captured the moment and inspired us to put a man on the moon by the end of the…

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Be Open to Outcome

Have you ever noticed how things don’t work out exactly as we’ve planned?  Have you ever gone to the store, knowing exactly what you want, and come home frustrated because you just couldn’t find the perfect thing?  And then you go another time with no real specifics in mind, and find many things that seem…

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Follow What Has Heart and Meaning

Working with children and youth cannot be successful if you don’t have an authentic interest in working with them and acting as both teacher and learner.  To be successful with youth it is essential that you “want” to interact with them and be part of their lives.  Working with youth is not for the faint…

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First Impression

A first impression is exactly that, a first impression.  It happens within the first minute of meeting someone.  In that moment we size people up and begin to “categorize” them and ask ourselves who they are most like that we already know.  For youth, part of this sizing up is determining whether or not you…

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Asking For Help

One of the ways we can all put our best foot forward is by asking for help when we need it.  There are many jokes about people who are driving and are incredibly lost, but refuse to stop and ask for help.  I am reminded of the Vacation movie when Chevy Chase is “stuck” driving…

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Start With “Why”

Simon Sinek’s book, Start With Why discusses the importance of knowing why we do the work we do and then sharing that why with anyone who will listen.  Sinek describes what he calls the Golden Circle. At the center of this circle is the WHY?  This circle describes the reason we do what we do. …

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Importance of Mindset

Whether you call it your mindset, your paradigm, or your world view, we are talking about the lens that you look through, intentionally or not, and interpret the world around you and your place in it.  Dependent upon your age, this lens has been honed by years of messages from those around you, your own…

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