Asking For Help

One of the ways we can all put our best foot forward is by asking for help when we need it.  There are many jokes about people who are driving and are incredibly lost, but refuse to stop and ask for help.  I am reminded of the Vacation movie when Chevy Chase is “stuck” driving…

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Start With “Why”

Simon Sinek’s book, Start With Why discusses the importance of knowing why we do the work we do and then sharing that why with anyone who will listen.  Sinek describes what he calls the Golden Circle. At the center of this circle is the WHY?  This circle describes the reason we do what we do. …

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Importance of Mindset

Whether you call it your mindset, your paradigm, or your world view, we are talking about the lens that you look through, intentionally or not, and interpret the world around you and your place in it.  Dependent upon your age, this lens has been honed by years of messages from those around you, your own…

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Seeing Youth As Assets

A youth development approach to working with young people is focused on the notion “youth are an asset to be developed” rather than a problem to be fixed.  If you look at more traditional approaches to working with youth the pattern has been to identify a problem—for example using drugs and alcohol—and then developing a…

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Stop and Smell the Roses

This is a very interesting expression and probably one that is even more important today than it was when it was first coined.  Today it seems we get up earlier, spend more time working than with family, race from appointment to appointment or meeting to meeting, are highly overscheduled, and at the mercy of folks…

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The Attitude Behind “Thanks”

As parents we teach our young children to say “Thank you” when someone gives them something.  We call “Thank You” and “Please” magic words.  Children learn to use these words more and more naturally, and parents discover they don’t need to remind them any more with the question, “What do you say?” I am wondering…

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The Mayflower Compact

Here are some facts about the Mayflower, the ship which first landed in the “New World” in 1620, and its passengers The passengers, 102 of them, were primarily Puritans and Separatists who became known as Pilgrims. At the end of their long voyage, the passengers signed the Mayflower Compact which outlined the notion of democracy…

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Take Time To Celebrate

Do you have a lot that you are trying to accomplish?  Are there many steps to each of the projects that you are working on?  Does it seem like you will never get to the end of the road?  When you feel this way it is time for you to stop, turn around, and see…

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Take a look at Covey’s 8th Habit

If you haven’t had an opportunity to read Covey’s 8th Habit, take time to consider doing that this summer.  To be sure, the 8th habit is not the forgotten or undiscovered 8th that attached to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  It is, in fact a stand alone.  The 8th habit is “to find…

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Building Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion that you have of yourself.  It is how you feel about yourself.  Do you consider yourself a person of value?  Are you proud of the work you do, the things you’ve accomplished, the person that you are?  One would think that self-esteem should be relatively easy to come by.  But this…

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