Developing Capable Young People—The Skills Needed—The Work of Stephen Glenn

All Capable Youth

Taking a look at the second part of Glenn’s work, he identifies four skills that youth need to acquire to be successful in life.  He identifies these as intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, system skills, and judgment skills.  The importance of developing intrapersonal skill—liking and respecting yourself and having the ability to strengthen positive self-control and self-discipline and continuing to assess that you are making growth, is essential.  In the 21st Century, the ability to work in a team of people and communicate effectively is captured in the content on interpersonal skills.  Judgment skills, we would all agree, are critical in youth and adults.  Good judgment leads to good decisions, and good decisions lead to positive outcomes.  The most interesting set of skills to me are the system skills—the ability to navigate in the world both personally and professionally. 

The Developing Capable Young People website lists these skills in this way:

The tools to respond to feelings effectively—self-assessment, self-control and self-discipline.

The tools to communicate, cooperate, negotiate, share, empathize, resolve conflicts, and listen effectively when dealing with people.

The tools of responsibility, adaptability, and flexibility necessary to deal with the environmental family, social, legal, and other systems in which we live.

The tools to set goals and/or make decisions, judgments, and choices

So again, check it out.  Personally, I found participating in this workshop over ten years ago, life-changing. 

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