First Impression

A first impression is exactly that, a first impression.  It happens within the first minute of meeting someone.  In that moment we size people up and begin to “categorize” them and ask ourselves who they are most like that we already know.  For youth, part of this sizing up is determining whether or not you are a person who says what you mean and means what you say—in other words, are you a truth-teller or a liar.  That first impression is carried with us and then this impression is either confirmed or refuted as we get to know the person and the situation more completely.

So, putting your “best foot forward” is important when meeting anyone for the first time, and critical for your success as a youth worker.  How you present yourself during that first interaction will matter.  Do you make eye contact?  Do you recognize each and every person in the room?  Do you acknowledge people with a smile and nod?  Are you organized and well planned?  Do you seem to know where you’re going and why?  Do you appear approachable and confident?  All of the answers to these questions and many others are “answered” during those first few seconds of first impressions.  Not that those perceptions can’t be changed over time, but how much better is it to get off to a positive start by putting “your best foot forward.”

At Consult 4 Kids we can help you put “your best foot forward”. Contact us at

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