Not So Usual Celebration

Hard At Work Just Being Cute

August 5th is Work Like a Dog Day.  This day is set aside to recognize those among us who work the hardest.  Unlike the Work-aholic who works all of the time, the person who works like a dog works really hard to accomplish a task, but will then take time off to rest and relax.  At first, a person who works hard might be offended with the thought of working like a dog, especially if they only think of dogs as the pet who greet you at the end of a long day and awaits your petting, playing, and feeding, and then goes to sleep on the floor.  Yet, dogs are one of the most hard-working of the domesticated animals. 

Some dogs are service dogs.  These canines can turn off lights, open doors, retrieve something for the owner, and in some cases even dial 911 in case of emergency.  Some dogs are therapy dogs and work in hospitals or convalescent homes providing companionship for the residents—always willing to listen and stay close.  Some dogs help the blind while others help out those who are deaf.  Then of course, there are police dogs that help arrest criminals, locate drugs, and cadavers.  Other dogs herd sheep, pull sleds, or work in the circus.  All of these dogs work hard and will stick with it until the job is done.  So, maybe to say that you are working like a dog is a huge compliment rather than a questionable statement.

Activities for kids…

Have students work in small groups to research dogs that do different jobs for people.  When the research is complete, students should be prepared to share the information with other students. 

Consult 4 Kids has a long history of advocating for youth and the adults who are their positive role models and mentors.  To learn more about our work, please visit our website at, email us at or call us at (661) 617-7055.

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