Not So Usual Celebrations

July 18th is National Ice Cream Day.  What a terrific day!  What’s not to like about ice cream?  Certainly if you’re allergic to dairy, this doesn’t seem like such a great day, but for most of us, ice cream is truly a treat.    Actually, for some, July is Ice Cream Month which would give you…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

While July 7th is National Strawberry Sundae Day, it just seems like today is a perfect one for featuring the strawberry.  So, since there is no Congressional record of the National Day being the 7th, I’ve taken the liberty of sharing it with you on the day after.  (Maybe I was affected by I Forgot…

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Virtual Vacations

The weather outside is far from frightful in California at least.  We have sun and cool breezes and it feels like spring.  So for those of you who live somewhere else, consider taking a virtual vacation here in California, and for those of you in California, consider taking a virtual vacation to some other point…

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Humans are the only creatures that can think about thinking or develop the skill of metacognition.  Metacognition is cognition about cognition or knowing about knowing.  It is the ability to consider how you learn as well as what you learn.  In the past we have talked about multiple intelligences (nine have been identified) and learning…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 26th is Women’s Equality Day.  August 26th, 1971, by an Act of Congress, was established to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote—to have full access and equity to vote on national and state policies and procedures.  Women’s Equality Day continues to highlight inequities of…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 25th is Kiss and Make Up Day.  To be sure, we do not literally promote “Kiss and Make Up Day”, because kissing is the last thing we want to have happen during this time of COVID 19.  So, when looking at this day, let’s look at the intent of the day, the truth behind…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 24th is Vesuvius Day.  Mt. Vesuvius is a now dormant volcano.  It’s last eruption was in 79 A.D. on this day.  The eruption killed 3,360 people in the Roman city of Pompeii.  It is in the ruins of Pompeii that we have found out many things about the daily life of early Romans.  Vesuvius,…

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Not So Usual Celebrations

August 20th is National Radio Day.  In this day of IPods and CD changers, it may be challenging for you to understand how the radio could be so important, but for those who precede these inventions, the radio was as important as soda.  Listening to the radio is what we did.  Today, on occasion, I…

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Book Review: Outliers, The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers, The Story of Success, is a great read by Malcolm Gladwell.  Gladwell takes a look at successful people and asks the questions of why.  One of my favorite chapters is number 2, “10,000 Hours “In Hamburg we had to play for eight hours.”  In this chapter Gladwell gives example after example of the overnight…

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