Take a look at Covey’s 8th Habit

Find Your Voice-Help Others Find Theirs

If you haven’t had an opportunity to read Covey’s 8th Habit, take time to consider doing that this summer.  To be sure, the 8th habit is not the forgotten or undiscovered 8th that attached to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  It is, in fact a stand alone.  The 8th habit is “to find your voice and help others to find theirs.”  A person will find his/her voice at the nexus of body, heart, mind and spirit and it resides in the unique contribution that each person can make in the world.  The 8th Habit certainly build on the private and public victories identified in the 7 Habits, but it goes beyond to talk about the leadership challenge found in helping others to find their voice. 

Chapter 7 focuses on the importance of being a trim tab.  If you do not understand this nautical reference, a trim tab is found in a large rudder, and its purpose is to help turn the rudder so the ship can turn.  Often times in the organizations we work in we discover that we are a small part of a much larger ship.  Turning that ship can certainly prove daunting.  If you follow the lesson of the trim tab, however, you can see how focusing on the things that you can influence allows you to make a huge contribution to the work at hand. 

The 8th Habit also discusses the important of aligning goals and systems to achieve results, releasing the passion and talent in ourselves and others, finding the voice and the speed of trust, and Covey’s belief that this 8th habit is preparing us to move from the knowledge-worker age to an age of wisdom. 

I would strongly encourage you to give this book a read or a listen.  You can find this book in both abridged and unabridged audio as well as the complete text.  You will find it worth the effort, and the insight you gain will be well worth it.

Learn more about Consult 4 Kids by checking us out on our website at www.consultforkids.com or by calling us at (661) 665-8270. 

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