The Four Fold Way-Arriens

The Four Fold Way

Angeles Arriens, author and anthropologist, shared her insight into earth-bound cultures and key principles that are at the center of how they live and interact with one another.  The four principles are:

  1. Show up and choose to be present
  2. Speak to what has heart and meaning
  3. Tell the truth without blame or judgment
  4. Be open to outcome, not attached to it

Think about how your after-school program staff and students would interact with one another if these four principles were to guide the work.  Each of these principles is foundational to living one’s life responsibly and effectively, and ensuring that you are making a contribution to the world. 

In her book, Arriens writes about each of these principles and then gives concrete examples of what it would look like, sound like, feel like, if these principles were being practiced as well as tips on how to accomplish acting on these principles.  Check out this amazing book—it is an easy-to-read book but holds many insightful truths that can be applied to the world of after-school.

Consult 4 Kids has a long history of advocating for youth and the adults who are their positive role models and mentors.  To learn more about our work, please visit our website at, email us at or call us at (661) 617-7055.

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