Math Facts to Automaticity

Using Your Math Facts

Automaticity is most often associated with sight words, but the concept can also be applied to the memorization of math facts.  Whether we are discussing addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division facts, knowing these to automaticity, without thinking, is a necessary part of being effective in mathematics.  Kids can learn math facts in much the same way as the learned the alphabet, how to spell certain words, and the steps to tying shoes.  The way that all these things were learned is through practice.  The key difference between math facts and tying your shoe is that kids understand the relevance of tying shoes.  Part of what you want to do in your after-school program is to make learning the math facts relevant.  Have contests, check students out often, reward them randomly for knowing a particular math fact, identify key math facts as the challenge of the week.  Be intentional in asking students to memorize math facts and help them to see why it is to their advantage. 

As you become intentional about math facts you might need some support.  There is a terrific website, the Math Fact Café, at , that can be a wonderful resource for you.  This web site has worksheets and games that you can select that will reinforce math facts.  The Café also has activities and games that will help students understand money and fraction equivalents. 

Consult 4 Kids has a long history of advocating for youth and the adults who are their positive role models and mentors.  To learn more about our work, please visit our website at, email us at or call us at (661) 617-7055.

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