Not So Usual Celebration

Presidential Joke Day.

August 11th is Presidential Joke Day!  Now these words can conjure a wide variety of responses, so it is essential that you have an understanding of exactly what is behind such a day.  This day has its origins in the Reagan Administration, when on August 11, 1984, President Reagan was preparing to go on the radio for his weekly address.  Thinking he was off microphone, he made the joke that Russia was going to be outlawed forever because of recent legislation.  And then he delivered the punch line, “Let the bombing begin”.  Needless to say, the comment may have had some political fall-out, but for Americans listening, there was definitely a chuckle.  President’s have a sense of humor, and this day allows us to think about the current and former President in a different light—a lighter light so to speak.  Of course, this humor will not necessarily come out on August 11, but rather throughout the year when the forum is appropriate.  If you would like to see “pretend” political figures delivering these jokes, there are any number of TV programs you can tune into—including of course, Saturday Night Live.

Activities for kids…

Have the kids brainstorm a list of jokes that they have heard—nothing with any questionable nuance of course.  Be sure that they can remember the “punch line” (sometimes they will forget this part).  Have students work in small groups to make a joke book, complete with illustrations.  Talk with students about the layout of the book (should the “punch line” be on a separate page, in different print?) so they can create an effective book to share with the class.

Consult 4 Kids has a long history of advocating for youth and the adults who are their positive role models and mentors.  To learn more about our work, please visit our website at, email us at or call us at (661) 617-7055.

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